The Crown Jewel of Shankara

Bernd H. Fritsch


128 pages, Paperback

Books on Demand

ISBN-10: 373862628X

ISBN-13: 978-3738626285


   9,50 €

„The Crown Jewel of Shankara:

newly mounted by Bernd Helge Fritsch“


Adi Shankara (788-820 A.D.) is regarded as the most important Indian spiritual philosopher and reformer of Hinduism.

His famous major work was "Viveka Chudamani" (Jewel of Distinction). It is considered the "crown jewel" of Ancient Indian wisdom.

The present edition offers the reader a modern translation of the "Jewel" and a careful selection from the originally 580 Sanskrit verses.


The author has left out numerous repetitive passages as well as statements not in keeping with our modern zeitgeist. Explanations have been added to many verses by Bernd Helge Fritsch, a spiritual teacher himself.

They serve to clarify the meaning of Shankara's text which is now approximately 1200 years old. This book deals with the central questions of our life:

What constitutes the meaning of my life?

How do we explain our destiny?

How do we liberate ourselves from worries, illness and suffering?

How can we connect ourselves with the everlasting beauty, love and bliss at the fundamental basis of Being?

Bernd Helge Fritsch

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The author

Bernd Helge Fritsch: Until the age of forty, Bernd Helge Fritsch was a successful lawyer in the Austrian city of Graz. Following an inner voice, he gave up his law practice. Since then, he has been active as a writer, spiritual teacher and mentor. He spent many years travelling, mainly in Asia and southern Europe. He lived in Buddhist and Hindu monasteries, studying and practicing Zen.